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Business Areas

VEPRM provides a variety of innovative and comprehensive IT solutions. We deliver quality services in the most efficient way, and our experts will work collaboratively with you to customize our offerings to your particular needs. Book a meeting with one of our consultants to hear more about how we can assist your operation.

Image by sergio souza

Container Terminals


every container terminals have their own level of automation or on a path towards automation, Our Project Delivery and Professional services team have the best industry knowledge to develop and support the systems side of operations with operational designs, port extensions, validations of a general software upgrade from other vendors to ensure the terminal continues the business while getting upgraded. 


This service provides a wide variety of technological capabilities to boost efficiencies, enhance security and allow infinite scalability for future growth. With this resource and our expertise, we’ll help maximize your organization’s productivity.

Image by Markus Spiske

Rail Terminals

In today’s hyperconnected world, Rail Terminals are challenged in more ways than ever to stay ahead of the curve. This comprehensive service is designed to fit your unique needs to create productivity and workflow. With our end-to-end solutions, VEPRM is sure to help your organization succeed.

Image by Andrey Sharpilo

Shipping Companies

Enabling your workforce with top-notch technologies isn’t just important, but imperative for business success. This customizable solution allows your team to work seamlessly and collaboratively in a protected space. No matter what IT services you need, VEPRM will be there to support you every step of the way.

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